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Here are all the projects I have done over the years

Timed Trivia using C++

Language: C++

Year: 2017

 This project was inspired by the famous "Who wants to be a Billionaire" show. The trivia consists of various difficulty levels and is timed. It was made primarily using the Structures concept in C++. The project was made interactive by making use of the numerous graphic functions made available in C++.

Hotel Reservation System

Vehicle for Individual Transportation

This is an individual project where we had to design a futuristic segway using various features of Fusion360.

Cloud Computing Project

This was a project made to get a better understanding of the various concepts in Azure Cloud. It involved the creation of VNets, SubNets, VMs etc.

Stress Relief App

This project was made during a Hackathon conducted at school in the year 2017.

We designed this app to cater to students all across the world. This app helps people relax and focuses on relieving their stress. There is also a journal component, where one can vent their feelings.


Here are all the projects I have done over the years

Timed Trivia using C++

Language: C++

Year: 2017

 This project was inspired by the famous "Who wants to be a Billionaire" show. The trivia consists of various difficulty levels and is timed. It was made primarily using the Structures concept in C++. The project was made interactive by making use of the numerous graphic functions made available in C++.

Hotel Reservation System

Language: C++

Year: 2018

 This project was made to gain an understanding of how the reservation system at hotels work. The system allows the user to select their dining area and the various options available within these areas. It was built using Classes and File handling concepts in C++. 

Vehicle for Individual Transportation

Software: Fusion360

Year: 2020

This was an individual project where we had to design a futuristic segway using various features of Fusion360. The major focus on this project was to make individual transportation easier and safer. It makes use of multiple technologies and sensors.

Cloud Computing Project

Platform: Microsoft Azure

Year: 2020 

This was a project made to get a better understanding of the various concepts in Azure Cloud. Azure Cloud is a platform offered by Microsoft for cloud computing services. The project involved the creation of VNets, SubNets, VMs etc.

Stress Relief App

Platform: Thunkable

Year: 2018

Stress and Anxiety are some of the major problems faced by students today. 

This project was made during a Hackathon conducted at school in the year 2018.

We designed this app to cater to students all across the world. The app helps them relax and focuses on relieving their stress. There is also a journal component, where one can vent their feelings.

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